The project constitutes of four work packages which are also the project’s outputs.

Work Package 1: Network & Secretariat

This work package seeks to strengthen the institutional structure of EALAN by establishing share values and principles through a strategic plan and business plan with targets for the:

  • Interest groups;
  • Products and services;
  • Collaboration between members;
  • Network performance in general.

The activities under this work package include:

  • Developing EALAN Rolling Strategic Plan
  • Developing EALAN Rolling Business plan development, Engagement with business partners to support EALAN activities
  • Knowledge management platform (internet and intranet)
  • Building network cohesion

Work Package 2: Short Courses for Land Professionals

The short courses under this work package seeks to establish equal opportunities and enhance professionalism by offering innovative short term and tailor made trainings in the region. Trainings are designed to meet the demands of the land administration and land governance professionals by aligning contents to the needs of the clients and also by encompassing best practices across members countries.

In the project, the consortium first gave the trainings to the EALAN members staff. To expand the knowledge, the trained EALAN members staff then gave the trainings in their home institutions inviting other staff and also land professionals in their countries.

The trainings themes covered:

  • Active Learning Methods
  • Land Administration
  • Land Governance and Conflict Resolution
  • Access to Land for Women and other Vulnerable Groups
  • Grant Proposal Writing
  • Conducting Market Needs Assessment for short and long term curricula
  • Advocacy and Lobbying (how to influence policy using evidence based research)

Work Package 3: Education

This work package seeks to revise and link long-term curricula with the focus themes and to labor market needs. It seeks to establish and sustain the relationship between the network members with land administration and land governance agencies and professionals in order to ensure that the curricula contains the right content and graduates possess the qualifications relevant to the labor market.

The activities under this work package are:

  • Developing/updating curricula on three thematic areas (Land Administration, Land Governance and Conflict Resolution, Access to land for women and other vulnerable groups).

New curricula have been developed by University of Juba (South Sudan), University of Burundi and Université Évangelique de Afrique. Other institutions have reviewed their curricula as per their country’s regulations rather through the SEALAN project.

  • Development of curricula review system/rubrics

Peer Review System using scorecards developed. Can be adapted to different courses. To be used every 3-5 years in reviewing quality & implementation of courses.

  • Collaboration model for staff & student exchange across EALAN member institutions.

Model is being developed by a task team from EALAN members.

Work Package 4: Research

In this work package a close collaboration research with the EALAN Research Council is being executed to develop a shared research agenda to enhance existing collaboration arrangements tools, to develop and apply skills in undertaking collaborative research and its dissemination and to ensure that gender is embedded into all current and future EALAN research activities.

The activities under the work package are:

  • EALAN Research plan development
  • Research Design of Comparative collaborative research on land governance across EALAN member countries
  • Research Design of Comparative collaborative research on land governance across EALAN member countries
  • Results: Research Article on “Comparative collaborative research on land governance across EALAN member countries”
  • Results: Research Article on “Comparative collaborative research on land governance across EALAN member countries”

The research output financed by SEALAN project:
