Dr. Moses Musinguzi (Makerere University) 

  • Mabikke, S., Musinguzi, M., Antonio, D., Sylla, O., 2017, Land Tenure and its Impacts on Food Security in Uganda: Empirical evidence from ten districts, Annual World bank Conference on Land and Poverty 20-24 Washington DC (PDF
  • Musinguzi, M., Bax, G., Tickodri-Togboa, S (2012): GIS Data Interoperability in Uganda. International Journal of Spatial Data Infrastructure Research, Vol. 7v(2012)pages 488507 ISSN 1725-0463. (PDF
  • Musinguzi, M, Asiimwe I. (2014) Application of Geospatial Tools for LandslidevHazard Assessment for Uganda, South African Journal of Geomatics Vol 3 No. 3  pg 302-14. (PDF)
  • Musinguzi, M (2011), A Tree Model for Diffusion of Spatial Data Infrastructures  in Developing Countries. In the proceedings of the second International  Conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology, January 31 – February  1, 2011, Entebbe, Uganda, pages 249 – 255 Macmilan Uganda Kampala ISBN 978 – 9970 – 214 – 00 – 7. (PDF)
  • Musinguzi, M (2011), Application of Spatial Technologies and Field Techniques  to Assess the Status of Wetlands in Lake Kyoga Basin in Uganda. In the proceedings of the second International Conference on Advances in Engineering  and Technology, January 31 – February 1, 2011, Entebbe, Uganda, pages 619- 625 Macmilan Uganda Kampala ISBN 978 – 9970 – 214 – 00 – 7. (PDF)
  • Wabineno, L & Musinguzi M (2013) A land register to Support the Property and  Credit Market in Uganda. Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Advances in Geomatics Research. Kampala, Uganda, (7-8) August, 2013. (PDF)
  • Wabineno, L., & Musinguzi, M. Ekback, P. (2011) Land Information  management in Uganda: Current Status, . Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Advances in Geomatics Research. Kampala, Uganda, (3-4) August, 2011 pages 211 – 223 ISBN 9789970167012. (PDF)
  • Musinguzi, M. Kisakye, M. (2011) Discrepancy Between Survey Practice and Legislation in Uganda, . Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Advances in Geomatics Research. Kampala, Uganda, (3-4) August, 2011 pages ISBN 9789970167012. (PDF)
  • Groenendijk, L., Musinguzi, M., Hagenimana, F., Lengoiboni, M., Hussen, S., Ndjovu, C., and Wayumba, G. (2013) Land Administration Academic Education  in Eastern Africa, TS03E – Surveying Education in Africa, FIG Working Week 2013 Environment for Sustainability 6 – 10 May 2013 Abuja,Nigeria Accessible (PDF)