Achamyeleh Gashu Adam PhD (Bahir Dar University)

  • Adam G.A.2016.  Peri-urbanization and New Built-up Property Formation Process in the Peri-urban Areas of EthiopiaJournal of Land Administration in East Africa, Vol. 3:1. (PDF)
  • Adam G.A.2015. Land Readjustment as an Alternative Land Development Tool for Peri-Urban Areas of Ethiopia. Property Management, Vol.33:1. (request a copy)
  • Adam G. A. 2014. Land Tenure in the Changing Peri-Urban Areas of Ethiopia:The Case of Bahir Dar City. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Vol. 38, No. 6. (request a copy)
  • Adam G.A.2014. Peri-Urban Land Rights in the Era of Urbanization in Ethiopia: A Property Rights Approach. African Review of Finance and economics, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 120–138. (PDF)
  • Adam G. A. 2014. Informal Settlements in the Peri-urban Areas of Bahir Dar, Ethiopia: An Institutional Analysis. Habitat International, Vol. 43, pp. 90-97. (request a copy)