Conference theme: Promoting Responsible Land Administration in East Africa and the Great Lakes Region. The 2018 EALAN Annual General Meeting and Conference jointly organized by the Eastern African Land Administration Network and Makarere University will take place between 23rd July and 25thJuly 2018 in Uganda. A training workshop on ‘‘Lobbying and Advocacy to influence policy’’ will […]

2018 Conference

The College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology, Makarere University in partnership with the Eastern African Land Administration Network (EALAN) this morning hosted the 2018 EALAN Annual Conference. The Conference, held under the theme “Promoting Responsible Land Administration in East Africa and the Great Lakes Region” was officially opened on Tuesday 24th July 2018 by […]

2017 AGM

2017 EALAN USER NEEDS TRAINING AGM AND CONFERENCE 18th – 27th July 2017, Kenya School of Monetary Studies (KSMS), Nairobi Conference Theme: Promoting Land Administration and Governance for Sustainable Development in Eastern Africa Download full programme  User needs assessment training and EALAN AGM Tuesday, 18th July 2017 8.00 – 17.00 Arrival of Training Participants LOC […]