Directory of Open Access Repositories

OpenDoar is a descriptive list of open access repositories of relevance to academic research. The project is surveying the growing field of repositories and categorising them according to suitable and useful measures. Each OpenDoar repository has been visited by project staff to check the information that is recorded here. This in-depth approach does not rely on automated analysis and gives a quality-controlled list of repositories.

At present there is no single comprehensive and authoritative list which records academic open access repositories. In a networked environment, Information Discovery and Retrieval are the keys to the successful delivery of services.

OpenDoar is being developed and maintained by the University of Nottingham as part of a portfolio of work in Open Access and repositories under the SHERPA umbrella. OpenDoar was started and initially developed by the University of Nottingham, UK, and the Lund University, Sweden.

The project is being funded by the Open Society Institute (OSI), the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC), the Consortium of Research Libraries (CURL) and SPARCEurope.

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