Introducing the OICRF Library

Office International du Cadastre et du Régime Foncier

OICRF – the International Office for Cadastre and Land Records – is one of the permanent bodies of the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG). OICRF serves as a documentation and study centre for land administration and is charged with the following tasks:

  • collecting and systematically filing and indexing all documentation material relating to existing cadastres and land registration systems,
  • conducting comparative studies of this material and publishing the results,
  • providing information and advice on all cadastres and land registration systems to all interested persons and institutions for the purposes of study or to help countries wishing to set up a cadastre or land registration system or improve an existing system,
  • maintaining the documentation system on a daily basis.

OICRF maintains a digital library that currently contains approximately 6,000 publications, which include things such as conference documents, magazine articles and reports on land administration. All of the available documents and the most recent publications can be accessed electronically at www.oicrf.org and downloaded in PDF format.

The website includes a function that enables users to search for publications and documents by ‘Title’ or ‘Author’ or on the basis of an ‘Abstract’ or ‘Keyword’. A ‘Language’-based search is also possible. Users can also trace documents linked to a certain event, such as papers linked to a specific conference or seminar.

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