Prof. Gordon Wayumba (Technical University of Kenya)

Journal Publications

  1. Wayumba G.O. and W.R. Philipson. 1985:   Remote Sensing of shifting Cultivation and Grazing Patterns of the Semi-Arid regions of Kenya. Pub. I.T.C. Journal. (request a copy)
  2. Orodi, J.O., G.O.Wayumba, A. Inima, and C. Omuto 2009: Mapping Sugarcane Biomass Using Remote Sensing. Pub. International Journal of Remote Sensing. Vol.X, 2009. (request a copy)
  3. Ondulo. J.O. G.O.Wayumba and F.W.O.Aduol, 2014: Accuracy Assessment of Preliminary Index Maps from High Resolution Orthoimages in Kenya. Pub. In the International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Studies (IJSRES). Vol 2. ISSUE 1, Jan 2015. ISSN: 2349-8862 (pdf) 
  4. Wayumba, G.O. 2014:  The Structure of the Cadastral System in Kenya. Pub. Journal of Land Administration in Eastern Africa. JLEA Vol 1 No. 1 July-December 2013. ISSN 1821-7575, Dar-es-Salaam. (pdf)                                  
  5. Wayumba, G.O. 2013: A Historical Review of the Land Tenure Reforms in Kenya. Pub. In the   International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Studies (IJSRES) Vol 2. ISSUE 1, Jan 2015. ISSN: 2349-8862. (pdf)
  6. Wayumba, G.O. 2015 and Milewa, D., : Development of a New Cadastral Model for Kenya. Pub. In the International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Studies (IJSRES), ISSUE 7, July 2015, ISSN 2349-8862. (pdf)
  7. Wayumba, G.O., Tiagi, M., Mumo, T., Matata P., Odongo, M., Kawira, J., 2015:  A Methodology for the Enhancement of Tenure Security in the Informal Settlements in Kenya. Pub. in the International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Studies (IJSRES) ISSUE 7, July 2015, ISSN 2349-8862. (pdf)
  8. Wayumba, G.O. 2015: The Challenge of sustaining Pastoralism Tenure for Ecological Conservation in the Maasai Mara. Pub. in the  International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Studies (IJSRES) Vol.2 No. 7, July 2015, ISSUE 2349-8862, (pdf)
  9. Wayumba, G.O., 2015: A Review of Recent Land Policy Developments in Kenya. Pub. in the  International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Studies (IJSRES) Vol.2 No.7 July 2015, ISSUE 2349-8862. (pdf)
  10. Wayumba, G.O., 2015: Aspects of Customary Land Tenure Rights in Kenya. Pub. In the International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Studies (IJSRES) Vol.2 No.7 July 2015, ISSUE 2349-8862. (pdf)k
  11. Wayumba, G.O. 2015: A Historical Review of Land Tenure Reforms in Kenya. Pub. In the International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Studies (IJSRES) Vol.2 No.7 July 2015, ISSUE 2349-8862. (pdf)               .

Published Books and Maps

  1. Wayumba G.O. 1986: Thematic Mapping from Satellite imagery,           Existing Applications and Future needs in Kenya (J. Denegre, 1989 Ed.), International Cartographic Association Report.  Elsevier Applied Science Publishers.
  2. Wayumba, G. O., H. O Arodi and M. Okanga, 2001:  Kenya Tourist Guide Map.   Designed and printed for the Kenya Tourist Board, Nairobi.
  3. Wayumba G. O. and H. O. Arodi 2003: Tourist Map of Western Kenya.  Designed and Printed for Bundu Maps, Nairobi
  4. Ouma G., L.A. Ogallo. M. Onyango., G.O. Wayumba., M., J.Mbeva. Achola-Pala Okeyo, and Nganyi Community, 2013: Coping with Local Disasters using indigenous knowledge; Experiences from Nganyi Community of Western Kenya.LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
  5. Wayumba, G.O., 2014: Land Tenure and  Cadastre in Kenya: History, Status and Future Scenarios (in progress)