Upcoming Event

Research Writeshop

Collaborative and Comparative Research

 Dates 21 – 25 January 2019
Venue Salinero Millie Lodge

PO. BOX. 7611. Moshi. Tanzania

Country Tanzania
  1. Introduction

The Netherlands Initiative for Capacity development in Higher Education (NICHE) is supporting the project ‘Strengthening the regional EALAN network to build capacity in Land Administration and Land Governance in the Great Lakes Region’ (SEALAN). The project aims to support the EALAN Network to become more sustainable and assist the network and its members in developing, expanding or renewing their services and products related to land Administration, Land Governance and Conflict Resolution, and topics related to Access to land for Women and other Vulnerable Groups.

  1. Project outcomes

There are two outcomes anticipated under the SEALAN project:

  1. Project outcome level Outcome(s)

At the end of the project the Eastern African Land Administration Network will have the academic, professional and organizational capacity to develop, implement and maintain gender-sensitive curricula, trainings and (comparative) research on:

  1. Land administration,
  2. Land governance and policies, and

iii. Access to land for women and vulnerable groups in all member countries of the network that contribute to regional knowledge sharing and evidence-based policy development and respond to the demands of the labour market.

  1. Policy outcome level

Regional and coordinated development and provision of education, training and research services in Land Governance, SGBV and Natural Resources Management, that contributes to the resolution of regional conflict dynamics and inclusive growth in the Great Lakes Region.

  1. Purpose of Writeshop

This writeshop supports the implementation of Work Package 4 of the SEALAN Project on Research. This work package seeks to work in close collaboration with the EALAN Research Council to develop a shared research agenda (including short and long term ambitions), to enhance existing collaboration arrangements tools (e.g. the Journal of East African Land Administration), to develop and apply skills in undertaking collaborative research and its dissemination, and to ensure that gender is embedded into all current and future EALAN research activities.

Aims of the Work Package 4: The Research Work Package aims to establish a sustainable research program amongst the EALAN member institutions. The ‘Research’ Work Package responds to indicators 4, 5, 6, 8, and 10 of the SEALAN project. The package has 5 key aims: 1) to identify shared research interests amongst EALAN member institutions leading to the development of a shared research agenda (indicator 4); 2) to create awareness of the importance and benefits of acting as research peers (indicator 5); 3) to develop and apply a framework for research collaboration, including funding acquisition, amongst EALAN members (indicator 6); 4) to build skills and knowledge on research dissemination pathways including advocacy and lobbying (indicator 8); and 5) to ensure gender issues and women’s rights are embedded into all EALAN research related activities.

  1. Content

The content of the writeshop focus on the following:

  1. i) improve on the EALAN Country Reports for the two researches i.e. i) Land Governance Research and ii) Access to Land for Women and other Vulnerable Group Researches
  2. ii) developing policy briefs based on the country reports, and

iii) developing an EALAN collaborative comparative report for the two researches.

  1. Expected outcomes

The writeshop brings together EALAN staff from 8 countries. Participants have completed the research design and data collection phases of the research work packages, and are in the process of finalizing the outcomes alignment with the expectations of Work Package 4 of the SEALAN Project. This writeshop provides the opportunity to realize those outcome which are to finalize on:

  1. 8 country reports on Land Governance
  2. 8 policy briefs on Land Governance
  3. 8 country reports on Access to Land by Women and other Vulnerable Groups
  4. 8 policy briefs on Access to land for women and other vulnerable groups
  5. 1 collaborative comparative research on Land Governance – for journal publication and presentation at an International Conference. A budget to facilitate one EALAN staff to an international conference is available.
  6. 1 collaborative comparative research on Access to land by Women and other Vulnerable Groups – for journal publication and presentation at an International Conference. A budget to facilitate one EALAN staff to an international conference is available.

As a result of this writeshop, participants will be able to:

  • Improve their country reports based on peer review comments. Final outcomes can be submitted to journals for publications as well as presented at conferences
  • Develop policy briefs based on country reports which can be shared with lobby and advocacy institutions and discussed at policy influencing for a
  • Develop a collaborative comparative research to be published at an international journal as well as be presented at an international conference
  1. Methodology

Format of the writeshop will involve plenary sessions, discussions, role technical sessions and individual writing time. The objective of these sessions is to work on writing and deliberating on matters related to the researches, as well as discussing the outlooks for ‘what next’ after the writeshop. Before the actual writeshop event, pre-writeshop engagement, which includes peer-reviewing of articles will be shared to participants where comments can be worked on and brought to the writeshop. Also, early results of the comparative research (in a matrix format) will be shared with participants so that they can familiarize these. The writeshop will focus on task division for section writeups for the comparative reports.

  1. Follow up

Consortium partners are available to review the two comparative EALAN researches before submission to journals for publications/submission to conferences.

Further, follow up activities on this writeshop are given in the Terms of Reference (ToR) accompanying this concept note.

  1. Monitoring and Evaluation

Besides submission to journal and international conferences, results of the two comparative reports will be presented at the EALAN 2019 conference

EALAN staff are asked to inform the SEALAN project coordinators once their country papers and policy briefs are submitted for publication or presented at conferences or shared at policy influencing fora. These have implications on the dissemination of the EALAN researches as well as on reporting to Nuffic.

  1. Participants

One participant working on a country report from each of the 8 EALAN countries is represented at the training. Prerequisites for participation is included in the ToR accompanying this concept note.

Participants come from: Universities Country
1. Ardhi University Tanzania
2. Bahir Dar University Ethiopia
3. University of Woldia Ethiopia
4. INES-Ruhengeri Rwanda
5. University of Rwanda Rwanda
6. Makerere University Uganda
7. Technical University of Kenya Kenya
8. University of Nairobi Kenya
9. University of Burundi Burundi
10. University of Juba South Sudan
11. Université Évangelique de Bukavu Democratic Republic of Congo.
  1. Language of the Training

Sessions will be carried out in English.

  1. Facilitators

The following facilitators will be available for the writeshop event:

Prof. mr. dr. J.A. Zevenbergen


Chairman Department of Urban and Regional Planning and Geoinformation Management

Faculty ITC – University of Twente

The Netherlands


Dr. M. N. Lengoiboni

Assistant Professor

Department of Urban and Regional Planning and Geoinformation Management

Faculty ITC – University of Twente

The Netherlands


  1. Logistics and Venue

Salinero Millie Lodge.

  1. BOX. 7611. Moshi. Tanzania.
  2. Logistics:

This information is communicated separately in the ToR accompanying this training.

  1. Ingredients for success
  2. Adequate preparation
  3. Willingness to peer review and critique articles in an open and honest way (the ‘good, the bad and the beautiful’)
  4. Ability to listen, hear, and learn from what is being said or shown
  5. Curiosity for new, innovative ideas, insights, perspectives, approaches
  6. Desire to adapt, improve, learn again
  7. Adequate and sustained follow-up